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Julie Lo Certo
Systems & Project Manager
If you’re keen to arrange a more custom demo of Mission Control, pertaining to your use case and requirements, simply fill out the below form and we’ll be in touch.
If you’re keen to arrange a more custom demo of Mission Control, pertaining to your use case and requirements, simply fill out the below form and we’ll be in touch.
Mission Control’s Salesforce Native Project Management Software enables Project Managers and team members to collaborate on projects and maintain current and accurate project status at all times, allowing managers to proactively identify and resolve potential issues with each engagement.
There are a range of features within Mission Control that help Project Leaders maintain control, visibility and access including Program Planner, PMO Dashboard and Project Financials. The result is a significantly improved project completion record, more satisfied clients and reduced non-billable work.
Project collaboration enables entire teams to work together through the entirety of the process. It allows them to be more productive and more aware of each other’s perspectives, needs, and timelines.
Mission Control has various tools that enable dynamic collaboration including Meeting Manager and Chatter Groups that allow you to collaborate as a team, keeping you on top of all the discussions across your projects.
Provides resources the ability to log time to all pre-loaded Actions that have been assigned that week and refer back to previous weeks to keep track of hours. There are three tabs that the resource can access, Timesheets, Calendar Converter and Approvals.
The Calendar Converter provides an alternative way to log time by dragging and dropping from your calendar and Approvals is to manage the Approvals process.
g2.com, the world’s leading software comparison and review site, collects feedback from millions of software customers, both Mission Control’s, as well as our competitors.
One metric that’s captured in their review process is the product’s NPS score. As you can see below we are faring well against our major competitors and significantly above the average NPS of 41 for the SaaS industry.
G2.com Professional Services Automation Report – Summer 2021
So many new customers we speak with are struggling with the security, visibility and data consistency issues they are having from working across multiple project tools, Mission Control allows you to bring the majority of your project requirements under one roof.
“Mission Control is amazing, it does everything we need it to do with all features we need to make our business successful”
Mission Control’s Professional Services Automation tool brings hundreds of resource, project, time and money management tasks under one roof.
This chaos consolidation allows your business unprecedented visibility across sales, services and finance making sure your projects are on time, customers are happy and reporting up to date.
Interested to know how Mission Control can help your business with you Project Management needs? Organise a no obligation call with one of our team who can tell you everything you need to know.
Test drive everything Mission Control has to offer at your own leisure. See how the features work, play around & begin see how the Project Management tools can help your business.
Save time and let us show you how everything works! We can show you exactly how all the features and tools can be tailored to meet the demands of your projects, and business.
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