Salesforce Project Management Software by Aprika

Business & Economic Impact Report

Discover the business benefits and economic impact of Mission Control

Klein Research study finds that Mission Control clients experience an average 6,156% return on investment, to find out how, download the report below.

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Klein's Market Research shows positive results all round!

Mission Control commissioned Klein Research to conduct a Business and Economic Impact (BEI) study to examine the potential Return On Investment (ROI) organizations may realize by deploying Mission Control’s Project Management and PSA Software.

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See the impact it will have on your business!

The gains Mission Control’s clients saw in commercial and administrative efficiencies as well as increased project revenue and margins, leads to an average Return on Investment (ROI) of 6,156%.

Clients speak about Mission Control

Klein interviewed several Mission Control clients from across the globe in a diverse array of industries from marketing, consulting, technology and engineering. The 10% average increase in project revenue was attributed to Mission Control enabling more complex, multi-faceted projects. and more agile decision making.

In addition to reporting the individual outcomes and experiences these businesses have faced, this report summarizes the common financial impact and infers these outcomes across a range of business sizes.

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Significant improvements in client billable utilization

This 5% improvement in ‘efficiency’ – the additional 2,880 billable hours – is equivalent to 1.5 FTE consultants with the potential to generate an additional $576,000 in revenue.

Improved transparency, accuracy and resource management

The combination of the 10% increased revenue and the 7% increase in margin, enabled by Mission Control, resulted in a 32% increase in profit (ranging between 17% and 129%) on average.
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“We are doing things and taking only 10% of the time it used to take before we had Mission Control. Given how much we have grown we wouldn’t have been able to run the business the way we do now without Mission Control.”

Chief Information Officer
Technology Consulting Enterprise

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The Software Features

While the report doesn’t deep dive on features per se, you’re welcome to explore some of the tools that these clients used to improve their project management.

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