Salesforce Project Management Software by Aprika

Benefits by company role

Benefits by company role

Whatever your role in a project, Mission Control is designed to help make your job easier. Whether you need a project management overview, a comprehensive project plan to follow or a level of detail somewhere in between, Mission Control is a salesforce project management app that will serve you the right information, at the right time.

Salesforce Project Management Software - Mission Control

Administration job role:

In a project administration role, you work hard behind the scenes to support the running of the project. It’s often the things that don’t get seen…unless they don’t happen! From scheduling meetings and documenting outcomes to tracking expenses and issuing invoices, the role is critical in underpinning a project’s progression. In order to fulfil responsibilities successfully, it’s imperative there is access to up-to-date project information at all times.

How Mission Control can help:

Imagine being notified the exact moment a project milestone is met. Then imagine a pre-approved invoice automatically being issued when that milestone happens. These are just some of the automation possibilities with Mission Control. With a wealth of information at your fingertips, there’s no need to rely on others to inform you on where a project is at in order to work through your to-do list. Mission Control allows you to access real-time project data so you’re always working from the most up-to-date information. Features like the Expenses tab allow the project budget tracking of all project expenses, including submitted, pending and approved and also anticipated vs actual.

Stay across a team’s availability with the Holidays tool for recording annual leave (PTO), public holidays and unavailable time. This feeds directly into the Scheduling function so there’s complete transparency of team resource management. With a number of shared resources available in Mission Control, this can result in more harmonious working relationships and a more connected team.

Project Team role:

As a part of the project delivery team, it’s your role to not only understand what actions you are expected to deliver but also how that fits in amongst the rest of the project. Collaboration can be a key component in driving the project forward, working together with colleagues to bring everyone together towards the end goal.

How Mission Control can help:

Starting off on a project is exciting but can also be overwhelming, when you look at everything that needs to be done. Mission Control gives a project management overview whilst breaking down all your project actions into easily accessible tasks – allowing you to take it one day at a time. Each morning, everyone in the team will receive a personalized Daily Digest email detailing what’s due, what’s overdue and what’s on the horizon. It helps set priorities and focus, allowing you to get on with the task in hand. You’ll have a project management timesheet with time assigned for each task. Then benefit from real-time visibility on how that’s tracking – logging time as you go. Transparency is key in any project to ensure everyone is working from the same information – and there are no surprises.

When you need to collaborate, you can record notes against tasks and discuss project details over Chatter. This is then documented for future reference, if needed. Mission Control is designed to take out all the admin so you can work more quickly and efficiently on what you love most.

Project Managers role:

As a Project Manager, you need to be across a host of project information at any one time. Managing the project workflow, tracking progress, project risk management, not to mention reporting to stakeholders. Ultimately, it’s a Project Manager’s job to coordinate everything to deliver a project on time and within budget – with some great team connection and engagement along the way.

How Mission Control can help:

The good news is, Mission Control can help every step of the way! Mission Control was designed by Project Managers for Project Managers, so this is all about supporting you with the tools you need to successfully deliver. From the moment a project is won, Mission Control will save you time by allowing you to simply auto-generate an entire project plan, using all the IP from previous work.

Once a project is underway, there are a range of online project management tools and resource management tips and features to support and streamline your daily processes. The Gantt chart feature gives full visibility of the project plan, ensuring the critical path is always at the forefront, whatever changes happen. The benefits of Kanban include supporting regular team updates (in person or remotely) by simply showing all actions planned, in progress and completed. And with Meeting Manager, you can automate time tracking for everyone involved, freeing up valuable time to work on project tasks, not admin. You can also access a project time management overview at any time.

You can assign different access levels across the team, keeping everyone focused on the tasks in hand. The PMO dashboard lets you (and stakeholders) really track how a project is progressing against key metrics – valuable insights for all. Mission Control is designed to put Project Managers back in the driving seat, giving ultimate control over how a project rolls-out.

Executives role:

Whatever your role in the C-suite, being able to instantly access the pipeline, project performance and financials is business critical. Creating and implementing a business strategy relies on strong flow of information: What’s working? What’s not? Where are the trends? What needs to change? The ability to see real-time results allows for more informed business decisions to be made and greater control over a business’ direction.

How Mission Control can help:

All the information you need is easily accessible within Mission Control in real-time. No waiting for project management financial reporting or monthly updates. Mission Control is designed to fully integrate with the Salesforce CRM system meaning you can track opportunities right through to project delivery and overall performance. It also streamlines information flow across sales and delivery teams and allows automated workflows for project roll-outs.

The PMO dashboard is a great tool for accessing how projects are tracking against key metrics giving an all-important project financial management overview too. Instantly see revenue recognised and profitability of individual or combined projects. Also gain insights into team resource management, allowing businesses to effectively manage cashflow as needed.

With a suite of real-time project metrics available, your business will benefit from data driven decisions based on insights and key learnings.

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