Salesforce Project Management Software by Aprika

Kosmo’s Campfire Webinars

Join us for Kosmo's Campfire Webinars

We’ve developed a continuous learning pathway for Mission Control users named Kosmo’s Campfires. The Campfires are a monthly webinar series designed to support our customers’ adoption, utilization and confidence with the Mission Control Project Management platform.

Each month we explore a specific feature or function and then walk you through its utilization, application and benefits so that you can start including the learning in your ways of working.

Below you’ll see the recordings of our previous Campfires and also the date of our next session. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Salesforce Project Management Software - Webinar

Next Campfire / 22nd August 2024

Generating Projects from Opportunity Products

Date:  22nd August 2024
Time: 11am AU Eastern Time

The Agenda

Join us for our monthly campfire session, where we focus in on a particular feature within Mission Control followed by an open Q&A session.

In this session we will be looking at a specific scenario, where you may want to generate multiple Projects related to an Opportunity based on the Products you’ve sold. For example, you may want to generate a separate Project for each Opportunity Product you’ve associated to the Opportunity. We will cover off:

– Understanding the Project Request Object
– Configuration to support this scenario (e.g. Custom Fields & Flows)
– Demonstration of Solution

Look forward to seeing you there!
Mission Control Team

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