Salesforce Project Management Software by Aprika



Fraedom delivers payments, expense and travel solutions to companies all around the globe both directly to end customers, and indirectly though our partner channel. Fraedom employs teams of project managers in all of the regions in

Location – 

Melbourne, Australia

Industry – 

Computer Software

Website –  

Salesforce Project Management Software - Mission Control Customer

What They Needed

Fraedom previously used a number of different solutions and processes for tracking activity and time spent on projects. These different systems did not integrate with which meant there were a number of visibility problems for our management and finance teams.

How We Helped

How has Mission Control Helped?
As Mission Control is a application, we were able to integrate it into our sales process, allowing the sales teams to start the process earlier. Integration with SFDC also allows the sales teams to see the status of their projects and minimise contact with the busy project managers.
Aligning all the project teams has allowed management to better understand utilisation in the different regions and allows for Fraedom to deliver our products to our customers faster and in a more organised way.

The team at Aprika were able to assist in tailoring the product for our needs in addition to taking our feedback with open ears and an eagerness to develop. Some of the ideas from our project managers have already been introduced into the Mission Control product.

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Discover the business and economic impacts of Mission Control

Our clients have achieved an average 6,000% ROI on their Mission Control investment, click below to read more and the opportunity to download the full report. 

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