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7 Popular Project Management Podcasts to Listen to

As project managers, it’s crucial to stay abreast of current trends, tools, tactics, and strategies in the profession as the field keeps evolving. Further, If you’ve taken any Project Management Institute certification, you must earn 60 PDUs (Professional Development Units) after every three years to maintain your certification.

Too busy to go back to school? Listen to a podcast. Project management podcasts are a perfect platform to gain valuable advice, learn the latest news, enhance your skills and expertise, and even earn your PDUs.

7 Best Project Management Podcasts

Podcasts are a dime a dozen, so how do you find the project management podcasts worth your time?

We’ve compiled a list of the seven best project management podcasts that every PM should consider listening to.

1. Project Management podcast

The Project Management Podcast is an excellent resource for expert and beginner project managers. Hosted by Cornelius Fichtner, the podcast features different project managers worldwide who address common project management problems and offer solutions. Popular discussion topics include leadership, workflow management, risk management, and teamwork.

This podcast is ideal if you’re looking for helpful tips and strategies to successfully manage and lead your projects. Fichtner publishes a new episode every week.

When you subscribe to the podcast, you’ll get 60 free PDUs for your Project Management Professional renewal.

2. People And Projects podcast

People And Projects is a podcast hosted by Andy Kaufman, the president of Chicago’s Excellence & Development Leadership Institute. This video-based podcast hosts guests who are specialists in human behavior and technology. The guests discuss the relevance of emotional intelligence and people skills in defining project success.

If you’re looking for helpful tips on managing people successfully, implementing projects, and achieving great results, this is the podcast to subscribe to. Additionally, you’ll learn a lot from Andy, who provides coaching for everyone looking to become a master in PM. You can expect to learn everything from how to prepare for project management exam preparation, PMBOK analysis, and actual practices with valuable tips.

Further, if you’re interested in getting certified or renewing your certification, you can earn free PDUs for listening to this podcast.

3. Project Management Paradise podcast

The Project Management Paradise podcast is produced by Cora Systems. With over 100 episodes to date, the host Richard Fitzpatrick interviews renowned PM experts from all over the world who share their insights and experiences in the field.

The podcast focuses on both technical and non-technical aspects of project management. Guests discuss topics like project management tools and software, project management methodologies, organizational leadership, and company culture. At the end of each episode, you can be sure to get actionable solutions to project management problems as a takeaway.

The beauty of the Project Management Paradise podcast is that its content is short and digestible, and each episode is up to 30 minutes.

4. The Digital Project Management podcast

The Digital Project Manager is a resourceful podcast that features tutorials, guides, tips, best practices, and insights on project management. The podcast is hosted by Ben Aston, who interviews professionals and experts worldwide.

Popular topics on this podcast include leadership, Agile, putting a project back on track, boosting team productivity, and much more. The Digital Project Management podcast will indeed serve you as a guide through your project management journey.

5. Project Management Happy Hour podcast

Project Management Happy Hour is a podcast hosted by two highly experienced hosts—Kim Essendrup, a PMP-certified project manager, and Kate Anderson, a project manager with over ten years of experience.

This podcast focuses on common obstacles project managers face when managing a project and the solutions that will help them succeed.

What makes this podcast stand out is how they tackle these problems. Each episode covers a specific problem which is explained through relevant examples followed by real-time advice.

Typical problems the podcast has addressed in the past include unrealistic deadlines, budget overruns, goal setting, communication breakdown, and more.

Project Management Happy Hour enables subscribers to earn PDUs through premium content, quizzes, and tests. Whether you’re an experienced PM or a beginner, you’ll gain valuable and helpful information by listening to this podcast.

6. Projectified podcast

Projectified is another popular project management podcast that rounds up the latest project management trends while offering strategic solutions for project managers.

Projectified is the official podcast of the lauded Project Management Institute. The podcast offers its listeners a wide range of progressive and lively topics, such as insights from rising and senior project managers, business leaders, and multiple companies. Other topics include digital transformation, risk management, landing your dream job, etc.

The podcast publishes two episodes per month. Every episode you tune into will help you develop the skills you need to lead successful project management initiatives.

7. Manage This podcast

Manage This podcast is hosted by Andy Crowe and Bill Yates, who possess in-depth knowledge of the ins and outs of project management. The show features acclaimed industry leaders who offer their insights and expertise on deploying effective project management strategies.

The show hosts delve into topics spanning all kinds of sectors and fields—infrastructure, technology, construction, health care, and more. Such topics help seasoned and new project managers alike to benefit from this podcast.

Besides the thought-provoking topics, Manage This podcast also offers its listeners essential updates on project management certifications that help candidates breeze through them successfully.

Podcasts are innovative modern channels and media that greatly help project managers during their career journey. No matter where you’re at in your project management career, you’ll always find something to learn or improve on—podcasts are a great way to do that.

We hope this list makes it easier for you to pick a relevant podcast (or two) and upskill on the go.

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