Salesforce Project Management Software by Aprika

Does Salesforce have a Project Management Tool?

Salesforce does not have a native, dedicated project management tool in its core platform. However, Salesforce is a highly customizable platform, and many organizations use it to integrate native or third-party project management tools.

Salesforce offers a variety of AppExchange apps, which are third-party applications that can be integrated into the Salesforce platform. Some of these apps are project management tools that you can connect with Salesforce to manage projects, tasks, and collaboration.

This list of third-party applications is broken into two categories, native applications and non-native.

Non-Native Applications:

Definition: Non-native applications are developed using technologies that are not native to the platform. This can include cross-platform frameworks or web technologies that are then wrapped in a native container to run on different platforms.

Characteristics: Non-native apps may not fully exploit the capabilities of the underlying operating system, and there may be differences in performance and user experience compared to native apps.

Some of the non-native applications include Asana, Trello, and Jira, among others. These integrations allow users to link project-related data with Salesforce records and maintain a workflow between project management and customer relationship management (CRM) processes.

Native Applications:

Definition: Native applications are developed for a specific platform or operating system. They are written in languages that are native to the platform, such as Swift or Objective-C for iOS and Java or Kotlin for Android.

Characteristics: Native apps take full advantage of the features and capabilities of the underlying operating system. They usually offer better performance, smoother user experience, and seamless integration with the device’s hardware and software.

Some Salesforce native project management applications include Mission Control, Milestones, Native Planner and Varasi.

While non-native applications can provide advantages in terms of code reusability and development efficiency, they may face challenges in achieving the same level of performance and integration as native applications. Developers often choose between native and non-native approaches based on factors such as project requirements, target audience, and development resources.

Keep in mind that the Salesforce ecosystem is dynamic, and new applications are regularly added to the AppExchange. It’s a good idea to explore the available options on the AppExchange and consult with Salesforce experts to find the best project management solution for your specific requirements.

Important questions when choosing a Salesforce third party application, in project management, or any vertical.

Choosing a third-party application for Salesforce is a crucial decision that can impact your organization’s efficiency and success. Here are some important questions to consider when evaluating Salesforce third-party applications:

Is the application compatible with your version of Salesforce?
Does it support the features and functionalities you need?

How easily does the application integrate with your existing Salesforce setup?
Does it require additional tools or services for integration?
How long will integration take?
If non-native how secure is the API?

Can the application scale as your business grows?
Are there any limitations on the number of users or data volume it can handle?

How easily can the application be customized to meet your specific business requirements?
Does it provide flexibility for configuration?

What security measures does the application have in place to protect your data?
Does it comply with Salesforce security standards and regulations?

Data Migration and Backup:
How does the application handle data migration from your existing systems?
What backup and recovery options does it offer?

Support and Maintenance:
What level of support is provided by the third-party vendor?
How often is the application updated, and what is the process for maintenance?

User Interface and Experience:
Is the application user-friendly, and does it provide a positive user experience?
Can it be easily adopted by your team without extensive training?

What is the application’s performance track record?
Are there any known issues or performance bottlenecks?

What is the total cost of ownership, including licensing fees, implementation, and ongoing maintenance?
Are there any hidden costs or additional charges for future upgrades?

Community and Reviews:
What do other users say about the application? Look for reviews and testimonials.
Is there an active user community or support forums?

Does the application comply with industry regulations and standards relevant to your business?

Vendor Reputation:
What is the reputation of the third-party vendor in the Salesforce ecosystem?
Have they been in the market for a considerable amount of time?

Demo and Trial:
Can you get a demo or trial version of the application to test its functionality in your environment?

Exit Strategy:
What is the process for discontinuing the use of the application if needed?
Is your data easily extractable and transferable?

By carefully considering these questions, you can make a more informed decision when choosing a Salesforce third-party application that aligns with your organization’s needs and goals.

Critical features to look out for when managing projects on Salesforce

Since your organization is distinct, you must make sure that your project management application will work flawlessly with the setup, requirements and operations of your business. The perfect project management tools for your organization will also depend on the kinds of projects you work on.

When searching for apps that help with project management on Salesforce, keep an eye out for the following essential features:

Resource utilization
Effective utilization of resources across the business is paramount to avoiding those peaks and troughs of cash flow. Ultimately, if one cog in the machine isn’t performing at the expected level, the combined net result will be compromised. Therefore, being able to clearly set, communicate and most importantly, track the billable versus non-billable effort for each member of the team is a must have for any services-based business.

Customizable Dashboards
Customizable dashboards are crucial because they empower users to tailor their data visualization and monitoring experience according to their specific needs and preferences.

Project profitability
Whether billable or non-billable it’s critical you find a project management platform that, accurately keep track of the hours you’ve estimated, completed and have remaining.
Ideally you are tracking both the billing rate and the cost rate of every hour you spend working on a Project. Ideally the platform has the ability to record expenses against the project and provide full P&L insight for the Scheduled, Actual and Forecast position.

Seamless collaboration
When exploring project management or PSA tools look for platforms that have features that allow for seamless collaboration. Some features to look out for include meeting management, project retrospectives, document sharing and Chatter or IM integrations.

Reporting tools
Many platforms have very basic insight tools, which doesn’t bode well for internal collab or sharing with external clients and project stakeholders. Choosing a platform that can create customizable reports and dashboards is critical and should be able to provide project summary’s, Gantt charts, budget items, risks & issues and much more.

Risk Management
Project risk management is crucial as it helps organizations and project teams anticipate, identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks that could impact the successful completion of a project.
You will need a project management platform that can identify and assess risk, that allows project managers to proactively document and manage risks, then categorize on likelihood of impact and then great mitigation strategies and contingencies.

Methodology flexibility
The way you approach a project will vary depending on a number of things, as every project has different requirements. Various aspects such as the kind of work being done, the quantity of team members participating, and the intricacy of the assignment can impact the project management approach that you select.

One of the best methods to guarantee you always have access to the finest methodology for every project is to choose a project management Salesforce app that allows you to employ a variety of the major project management methodologies, from Waterfall, Agile, Wagile, Gantt and Kanban.

While not a feature, and somewhat ticked off earlier, integration is a feature of the package rather than the product. It’s still critical, some businesses take upwards of a year to integrate their platform, and as you could imagine, a lot can happen in business in 12 months. You should be sourcing providers that can be up and working within 3 months so you can realize value earlier.

Mission Control is a Salesforce-native PSA and Project Management solution that’s easy to integrate, super flexible and packed with best-in-class features. If you’re keen to have a play why not head to our AppExchange listing today, see why we’re voted 4.9/5 and organize a free trial or demo.



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