Salesforce Project Management Software by Aprika

How Salesforce Software Can Encourage Teamwork When Working Remotely

Salesforce Project Management Software - Mission Control Blog

2020 has provided business with invaluable insight into the realities of working from home and what that means for the future. Some of the bigger players have provided options for employees to continue to work from home until we’ve seen out the current pandemic and potentially even further.

This has had a big impact of how businesses operate, particularly when it comes to teamwork and collaboration – such an important element to successful outcomes. We’ve even seen a big difference in the uptake of the utilization of some of our finer features of Mission Control software, during this time.

Previously, features such as our Chatter Feed and Action checklists were less utilized by some organizations, particularly as there was a lot of face-to-face collaboration occurring in the office environment. Now that we are in a reality of more people working from home we are finding an increase in the use of these features which have always been available within our software.

It is part of the reason we decided to fast track certain features on our latest release of Mission Control than can enhance the collaborative experience for our users. We wanted to ensure our software was adapting to the current situation businesses are facing whilst also providing long term benefits for managing projects.


There is an innate human requirement to connect and collaborate, validation of thinking and processes are really important to making us feel justified in our actions. Right now there has never been a more important time to keep connected as we navigate working further apart from each other.

Businesses should be considering how they keep connected internally but also how they ensure ongoing connection with customers. Working at home enables us to enhance our skills in autonomous working, however to prosper and strengthen business outcomes we need to foster collaboration with our team members.

Teamwork is defined as a collective action of a group of people that is conducted in an efficient and effective way. Usually this would occur in face to face situations but that isn’t always possible and in a Covid-19 impacted world we need to look at solutions as to how we can create this through digital experiences.

Within project management collaboration and connection is paramount to success, every person on the team has to work together towards the end project goal. Regardless of which project management methodology you use every project requires these attributes to keep progress moving in a clean and efficient way.


Given that the business world is in a fractured state with some countries enforcing work from home mandates, some in lockdown situations and others choosing to protect employees by offering more flexible work options, there has never been a more important time to maximise the use of collaboration software tools.

We’ve talked in previous blog posts about the tools that we use the most at Aprika Business Solutions HQ, from Zoom to Slack for communication through to our friends on the Salesforce platform for document and financial collaboration.

There are lots of options out there and it is important to review the ones that work best for your business and team members. Factors that have to be considered within this include your businesses adoption of digital and how easily it can integrate into your current processes – you want to be able to enhance workflow not hinder it.


In addition to being set up for communication, also consider how your project management and PSA solution supports your remotely working team. At Aprika, we’ve had our team working remotely for over a decade now and have built our platform with this front of mind. It doesn’t matter whether your team works in the same building or halfway across the world, with the right features in your software you can work efficiently and effectively.

These features include:

  • Meeting Manager: Our newest feature in the software has really enhanced the user experience when it comes to collaboration as you can now set and manage your team meetings within Mission Control. This gives you the ability to log time directly against the Actions as well as create notes against every agenda item for all to see – perfect for remote working environments.
  • Interactive Kanban board and Gantt Chart: We’ve ensured that our core features on the platform are interactive so that they can be manipulated and adapted easily by all team members. There is also a Chatter Feed enabled and the ability to add Risks and Issues so communication can start as soon as possible.
  • Story Board: This is another of our latest features which works well for product development as you can map out the Requirements alongside User Stories which brings together a visual interactive board that can be accessed by all team members.
  • Chatter Feed: We have this enabled across all our main features so discussion around Actions can take place easily and is available for everyone to view. Transparency is key when it comes to project management and alerting people to all aspects of what is happening with the Action will lead to a stronger workflow.
  • Action Checklist: Within each Action you can enable a Checklist of all aspects that need to be completed against the task. This means when there are multiple people responsible for the one Action they can work together and keep track of the progress and check off the elements that are assigned to them.
  • Issue and Risk log: This is an important element attached to the Actions of your project so you can effortlessly flag when a problem occurs that is then visible to the entire team. This means everyone can keep track of any concerns and see when issues are resolved.

When it comes to teamwork a software solution that is interactive and adaptable will ensure that the entire team can be across all aspects of the project from start to finish. Alongside your communication preferences ensure that your solution has the right elements that can adapt to changing working environments. We find that even though some customers don’t need to utilize all Mission Control features from the start, already having them available to switch on when necessary is extremely beneficial so that you don’t need to keep retraining staff on different platforms.

Find out more about how Mission Control can support you with project management by visiting the AppExchange today.



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