Salesforce Project Management Software by Aprika

What’s New Mission Control – v.1.56

Salesforce Project Management Software - Mission Control Blog


What a way to start a new year with a new release of our Mission Control project management software, native to the Salesforce platform! Our latest version 1.56 was released on the Salesforce AppExchange last Friday 15 January and we’ve made a number of enhancements to various features, making it even more accessible, engaging and useful for our customers.


The main improvement we’ve made in this version is a huge update to our Resource Assignment Wizard. We listened to our customers and have further improved the functionality of the feature. You can now easily manually assign new Action Owners and Contributors to an Action.

We’ve also improved the search function allowing you to drill down deeper into the requirements you need for a specific Action and provide a detailed list of potential resources allowing you to make the most informed decision taking all factors into account. You can adjust your settings around the data your potential resources list includes, personalising everything to your needs.



We’ve delved deeper with our Action Clone feature which now allows you to copy across all the major aspects of the Action including Contributors and Checklist items. This is all additional functionality so you can choose which elements to clone and which you don’t need, completely customising the new Action.



A major update on Checklist Items is the ability to log time against a Checklist Item with customisable fields for the hours spent. We’ve also created the ability to automate management of Contributor records as part of Checklist Items, rather than having to manually update.

The Checklist Manager has also been improved allowing you to quickly create items, add new items and edit individual or all items at once. This feature also now has the ability to view the full record, apply filters and a full update of the settings to tailor to your requirements.



  1. Scheduler: You can now add the Scheduler to another page layout to any parent Object that a Project relates to with Scheduler Anywhere. Visual improvements also include a ‘month scale’ option and the ability to choose your hours source within settings.
  2. Timesheet: A few minor improvements make a big difference with our Timesheet feature, you can now scale the timeline longer than a week, clone Timesheets, hide non-billable rows if 0 and easily view your hours or all hours. We’ve also added shading to non-working days as a manual setting for flexible or part-time employees.
  3. Opportunity: We’ve improved the way you create a Project from an Opportunity with some simple updates, including settings updates for ‘no duplicates’, the addition of a Project Unit value and a custom setting that will make the running user the record owner of the Project.
  4. Manage rates: On this page you can now specify hourly rates per Role, per Skill, per Project meaning they can be different hourly rates for Roles using different Skills that may be working across different Projects.
  5. Invoice customization: We’ve included a number of customizable options for when you generate an Invoice PDF providing you with greater flexibility.

This is just a taster of all the awesome new capabilities and improvements to our Mission Control project management software. You can find the FULL release notes and detailed webinar about our brand new Version 1.56 here.

To find out more about our Salesforce project management and PSA Solution, enquire now for a free trial.



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