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The Roles and Responsibilities of a Head of Delivery in Professional Services

In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of professional services, the role of a Head of Delivery is paramount to the success and efficiency of an organization. This multifaceted position requires a unique blend of leadership, strategic thinking, and operational acumen. In this article, we will delve into the responsibilities, challenges, and key attributes that define the role of a Head of Delivery in professional services.

Defining the Head of Delivery Role

The Head of Delivery is a senior leadership position that plays a pivotal role in overseeing the successful execution and delivery of projects within a professional services organization. This role is not confined to a specific industry and can be found in consulting firms, IT services, marketing agencies, and various other sectors where project delivery is a core function.

Responsibilities of a Head of Delivery

  1. Project Management Oversight:
    • The primary responsibility of a Head of Delivery is to ensure that projects are managed efficiently from initiation to completion. This involves overseeing project managers and teams, monitoring project timelines, and ensuring that deliverables meet quality standards.
  2. Resource Allocation:
    • Effectively allocating resources, both human and material, is crucial for project success. The Head of Delivery must have a deep understanding of team members’ skills and expertise to match them with the right projects. This involves balancing workload, skill sets, and project requirements.
  3. Client Communication and Relationship Management:
    • Building and maintaining strong client relationships is a key aspect of the role. The Head of Delivery often serves as a liaison between the client and the delivery team, ensuring that client expectations are met and addressing any concerns or issues that may arise during the project.
  4. Risk Management:
    • Identifying and mitigating risks is inherent to project management. The Head of Delivery must have a keen eye for potential risks that could impact project timelines or deliverables. Implementing risk management strategies and contingency plans is essential to navigate uncertainties effectively.
  5. Quality Assurance:
    • Maintaining a high standard of quality in project deliverables is critical. The Head of Delivery is responsible for implementing and monitoring quality assurance processes to ensure that all work meets or exceeds client expectations.
  6. Performance Monitoring and Reporting:
    • Implementing performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) is essential for tracking project progress. The Head of Delivery oversees the creation and analysis of reports that provide insights into project performance, enabling data-driven decision-making.
  7. Process Improvement:
    • Continuously improving delivery processes is vital for staying competitive and meeting evolving client needs. The Head of Delivery identifies areas for process optimization and works collaboratively with teams to implement improvements that enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

Challenges Faced by Heads of Delivery

  1. Balancing Act:
    • One of the main challenges is the delicate balance between meeting client expectations, managing resources efficiently, and ensuring the team’s well-being. Striking this balance requires a nuanced approach and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.
  2. Uncertainties and Ambiguities:
    • The professional services landscape is often characterized by uncertainties and ambiguities. The Head of Delivery must be adept at navigating these challenges, making informed decisions in the face of incomplete information.
  3. Talent Management:
    • Recruiting, retaining, and developing top talent is an ongoing challenge. The Head of Delivery must have a keen understanding of the skills required for various projects and be proactive in building a skilled and motivated team.
  4. Client Expectations:
    • Managing client expectations, especially in complex projects, can be challenging. The Head of Delivery must have strong communication skills and the ability to negotiate and set realistic expectations while maintaining positive client relationships.
  5. Technological Advancements:
    • Keeping abreast of technological advancements and industry trends is crucial. The Head of Delivery must ensure that the organization remains competitive by incorporating relevant technologies and methodologies into project delivery processes.

Key Attributes of a Successful Head of Delivery

  1. Leadership Skills:
    • The ability to inspire and lead teams is paramount. A successful Head of Delivery instills confidence, fosters collaboration, and provides clear direction to achieve project goals.
  2. Strategic Thinking:
    • The role demands a strategic mindset to align project delivery with the overall goals of the organization. This involves anticipating future challenges, identifying opportunities, and planning for long-term success.
  3. Effective Communication:
    • Clear and concise communication is essential for managing client relationships, addressing team concerns, and ensuring that everyone involved in a project is on the same page. The Head of Delivery serves as a bridge between clients, team members, and leadership.
  4. Problem-Solving Skills:
    • The ability to identify and solve complex problems is a key attribute. The Head of Delivery must be adept at analyzing situations, making informed decisions, and implementing effective solutions to overcome challenges.
  5. Adaptability:
    • Given the dynamic nature of professional services, adaptability is crucial. A successful Head of Delivery is open to change, embraces innovation, and can pivot strategies when necessary.
  6. Negotiation Skills:
    • Negotiation skills are vital for managing client expectations, resolving conflicts, and securing resources. The Head of Delivery must be skilled in finding mutually beneficial solutions in various situations.


In conclusion, the role of a Head of Delivery in professional services is multifaceted and requires a unique combination of leadership, strategic thinking, and operational expertise. As the linchpin between clients, project teams, and organizational leadership, the Head of Delivery plays a critical role in ensuring the successful delivery of projects and the overall success of the organization. With the right skills, attributes, and a proactive approach to challenges, a Head of Delivery can steer their organization through the complexities of the professional services landscape, fostering growth and building lasting client relationships.

Mission Control is a native Salesforce PSA solution. We have thousands of Heads of Delivery either using, managing or championing our platform in their organization to improve their workflows, increase Salesforce adoption and create efficiencies across the organization. If you are keen to take a closer look at our platform you can head to our demo request form.

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