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Salesforce PSA software

Salesforce PSA software and how it integrates with Salesforce

Integrating your Salesforce CRM within a Professional Services Automation (PSA) software can help you streamline your sal process, plan and manage your resources and get deep project insights for better forecasting and predictability.

What is a Professional Services Automation (PSA) software?

PSA software helps professional service organizations streamline their projects by handling time management, billing, contracts, and more in one central location. As the name implies, the software automates many processes to simplify project management for consultants.

By providing a holistic overview of your organization and its projects in one unified location, PSA helps to bridge the gaps between various teams and stakeholders and provides more visibility into each project. Ultimately, professional services automation makes teams and businesses more efficient.

How does Salesforce PSA software integrate?

A PSA tool is a pretty powerful solution on its own. By integrating it with a CRM platform like Salesforce, you take your capabilities to the next level.

Develop a single source of truth

An integrated Salesforce PSA tool can become your single source of truth for all project-related information.

With all your customer and project data in place and in one place only, you now have a trusted source of information. This can help you streamline your operations, make better, faster decisions and ultimately deliver a better experience to your customers.

When your projects stay on track, deliver as expected, and don’t have budget blowouts, you can automatically consider it a success—for your organization as well as your customers.

Manage your sales pipeline better

Help your sales and service teams work together better with a Salesforce-powered PSA solution. With all the data integrated into one platform, both teams will have unrestricted visibility over leads, the sales pipeline, status updates, customer information, resource forecasts, and everything else in between.

Your PSA tool can give both teams a better view of the bigger picture—leading to better insights for the teams, and a better, more unified customer experience as well.

Improve data visibility

When you integrate the data from your CRM with your professional services automation software, you build yourself a powerhouse.

All your sales, service, marketing, and operations data feed into one central hub, making it easy for all project stakeholders to easily view and access the information they need.

This level of data visibility can help individual teams analyze their own performance and learn from it. It can also help organizations analyze their own overall performance, learn from it, and improve decisions and results for future projects.

Get better at forecasting

Data visibility with Salesforce professional services automation software also helps organizations learn from their projects and get better at forecasting project outcomes each time.

Revenue forecasting is a critical aspect of projects for professional services firms. PSA tools streamline this forecasting process, making sure the entire organization can benefit from and make decisions based on these forecasts. This also helps organizations better monitor profitability as a whole.

Your PSA solution provides you with information that can very useful for growing and scaling your business further. By monitoring your project information closely, you not only get better at resource forecasting but it also opens your eyes up to potential opportunities on the horizon.

Examples of Companies that Have Used Salesforce PSA software

The Salesforce/PSA marriage isn’t just a pipe dream. It’s a reality that thousands of businesses around the world are taking advantage of. See how these two businesses are making the most of the Mission Control/Salesforce integration:

Carnac Group

Carnac Group is a certified Salesforce Partner in Sydney, Australia. They advise businesses on any aspect of their Salesforce journey, including strategy development,

Prior to Mission Control PSA, they were managing projects using spreadsheets and JIRA as well as a non-Salesforce native timesheet App called Schedullo. These disparate systems were doing what they needed them to do as a startup but as they were growing – and more importantly projected significant growth – they realized we needed to add some sophistication and robustness to our technology stack.

After much research, the company turned to Mission Control, as they were intent on finding a native Salesforce app.

Implementing Mission Control has allowed the company to improve their role utilization overall, it’s improved business transparency and elevated how they run internal processes.

Over the past 12 months, we’ve increased our resource utilization from 77% to 88% which allows us to manage our cost base better and reduce the risk of non-profitable projects significantly.

Salesforce PSA software
It has also given them better visibility and control over project budget progresses and the invoicing of customers.

Mission Control really found that perfect balance between budget, feature-set, and contractual freedom – it really was the perfect fit for us.

Fast Cloud Consulting

Fast Cloud Consulting is an official Consulting Partner. With offices in the United States and Latin America the business focuses on helping the clients of our clients achieve success via the platform.

Prior to Mission Control, Salesforce PSA software, they were using a combination of multiple information sources for tracking projects. They wanted to consolidate all these information sources as they had one system for tracking worked hours, another one for project tasks and milestones, and another one for general client information. It was overwhelming and hard to keep track of.

Implementing Mission Control has helped them establish a much-needed single source of truth.

“The Create Actions helps us to quickly build a project, together with Milestones, Activities, Dependencies, Recurrences, responsible and other features in a single view.”

Salesforce PSA software
By integrating with their Salesforce CRM, the company has been able to scale and manage their diverse projects portfolio, from small support request to international project implementations.

“When we started working with Mission Control, we were a company of 7 people. Today, we exceeded 40 people in 9 countries and growing.”


If you’re looking to link your CRM with a PSA, Mission Control’s PSA has a variety of features that will help you organise, run and automate many of your tasks. Chat with our experts today.

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